Evavi Difference
Many times traditional supply chain solutions are obsolete on the day they go-live because the deployed solutions are built on rigid technology platforms resulting in functionality that is frozen in time. The reality is that in the supply chain space collaborative business processes must regularly and rapidly adapt to meet changing demands of trading partners. For true cost competitiveness, the supply chain space requires software that is inherently flexible and configurable and can accommodate the dynamically changing needs of markets, trading partners and the extended enterprise.Fabric™ enables Evavi to help clients realize true value and implement solutions the right way — collaboratively define requirements that precisely meet the clients needs; translate and render these requirements using Evavi Fabric™ solution patterns; and use a spiral tailoring approach to configure the required functionality. This ensures that the production solution precisely meets the needs of the client, while the underlying technology helps protect their ongoing investment and reduces the total cost of ownership.
Evavi Fabric™ is the embodiment of a ground-breaking approach, and the ideal platform for building synchronized supply chain applications. Fabric™ is a multi-company, multi-tenant SOA-based platform that leverages extensible business models and is packaged with proven reusable patterns and software components essential for todays supply chain applications. Core components include: configurable business process engine, dynamic rules engine, personalization-ready portal, framework for user-level and data-level security, meta-tags, bookmarks, pro-active alerts, data synchronization components, and more.